Monday, January 23, 2012

Summer Flashback - State Fair

I was going through some pictures from this summer and thought I should post some!

This summer I was off on maternity leave when the Minnesota State Fair occurred.  It's a big deal in Minnesota and is only open for 10 days at the end of August leading up to Labor Day.  Craig likes to go right away because that is when all the 4-H animals are there and it is something he used to take part in while in high school. His cousin was there with her goat. Other than the animals there is all sorts of fried food and exhibits to look at.  Perhaps the most entertaining thing to do is people watching.  Anyway, this year Craig took a Friday off of work so we could go during the day.  One of my old Uroplasty co-workers lives near the fairgrounds (in St. Paul) so we were able to park at her house and walk in with the stroller.  I think we got there around 10:30 am.

Craig feeding Maggie while watching a 4-H animal judging:

A new fair food that surprisingly was not on a stick, fried apple pie:

Craig was nice enough to share his pie with Maggie:

Maggie and mama at the fair having some corn on the cob:

We walked around the fair all day long and stayed until about 7:30 when it started to get hard to walk around as people were arriving after work.

Craig's favorite tractors:

Mom, Dad, and Maggie pausing for a family picture:

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