Sunday, January 22, 2012

6-month Check-up

This past Tuesday Maggie had her 6 month check-up! She is still growing fast with no signs of slowing down!

Maggie's 6 month stats:
  • Height: 27 1/2 inches (upper 98%)
  • Weight: 18 lbs 3 1/2 oz (75%-90%)
  • Head: 90%
The doctor was impressed with her as usual and it was a pretty quick visit. 

Here are a few pictures from her visit:

Dr. Jiwa gave Maggie a toy:

Dad and Maggie waiting for the nurse to come in with shots:

Mags and Mama (I was really sick this day with the stomach flu so I look a little out of it):

Right after our pictures the nurse came in with three shots.  Maggie screamed when she got the shots but was fine almost immediately after I picked her up:

We go back at 9 months!

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