Sunday, January 1, 2012

Maggie's First Christmas

We had a great time celebrating Christmas this year with Maggie. The Christmas weekend was kicked off with the Newcomb family.  We headed over to Grandma and Grandpa Newcomb's house for some appetizers before church.  We went to 4:00pm mass which was packed as usual.  Maggie cried a little bit so I walked out with her for  about 10 minutes and she fell asleep and took a 30 minute cat-nap.  After church we went back to the Newcomb house and had our traditional standing rib roast.  It was delicious as usual and we are so glad we were able to have it on Christmas Eve instead of Christmas Day otherwise we would have missed it. 

Maggie opened up her presents before everyone else because of her early bedtime...

A picture of us after church before Maggie changed into pajamas...

Maggie in her Grandma's Stocking....

On Christmas morning we woke up and went back to the Newcomb house for eggs benedict!  After we were full, we jumped back in the truck and drove 2 hours northwest to the Cihlar farm.  We stayed overnight so Maggie got to "play" with her cousins.  We also got some exciting news that in July/August Maggie will get two more cousins! Craig's sisters are due within a few days of each other, so it will be a fun summer!  Here's a video of the Strunk cousins wrestling with Craig.

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