Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Our 5 Favorite Baby Products so far...

While Maggie doesn't require too much at this point here are 5 baby products that have made life easier:

1. Angelcare monitor-
In addition to being a sound and video monitor, it also senses movement so if she were to stop breathing an alarm would go off.  Maggie has slept in her own room from day 1 being home and this gives us piece of mind so we are also able to sleep. 
Angelcare Movement and Sound Monitor - Angelcare  - Babies"R"Us
2. Aden + Anais 4-Pack SwaddlePlus Wraps-
I love these things! Maggie is like most newborns and loves to be swaddled. We use Halo sleep sacks at night (which we also LOVE) and these during the day. These wraps are lightweight which allow us to swaddle her without worrying about her overheating, especially in the summer.  These are big enough to be able to swaddle her tightly...

3.  Schwinn Turismo Jogger-
We are trying to avoid have a million strollers so our goal is to have two: a jogger and a lightweight umbrella type stroller. We bought this Schwinn stroller after a lot of research. We love it!  We have zero regrets about not buying a car seat/stroller combo. Until Maggie is bigger, we put her in her carseat which buckles into the jogging stroller. It is a super smooth ride since it has built in shocks and super easy to steer (the front wheel can be set to turn, or remain locked).

Here's Maggie on our first walk (5 days old):

4. BabyBjorn-
We love this because it allows us to carry Maggie around hands free and it's pretty comfortable. Craig wears it a lot at night when Maggie is fussy and doesn't want to be set down. I use this when shopping at the mall. I don't bring the stroller anywhere - I just use this. Since the minimum weight requirement is 8 lbs, Maggie was born ready.

5. Soothie Pacifiers-
Maggie didn't have a pacifier in the hospital, but at home we quickly found they were a must have. She won't take any type of pacifer- it has to be the Avent Soothie. We have recently invested in a Wubbanub which is a soothie pacifier with a plush weighted animal attached. Thus far the Wubbanub has proved to be a big success! The Wubbanub is great when we are traveling with Maggie because if she happens to spit out her pacifier, it is very easy to find and put back in her mouth while she is behind us in her car seat.

So that's it for now...we like a bunch of other product too, the swing and bouncer are starting to rank up there on our list.  Maggie wasn't so sure at first, but is quickly becoming more fond of both.

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