Thursday, August 11, 2011

1 Month Old!

Maggie is 1 month old today!

Maggie at a few days old:
Maggie today:

We go in next week for her 1 month check-up, but in the mean time here's what she's been up to:
  • She is on a good routine! She eats 8 times a day and sleeps at least 6 hours a night until she wakes up in the early morning to eat, then she goes back down to sleep until around 7am.
  • She is a very alert baby...
  • She still likes to be swaddled.
  • She likes to sleep on her side if she can wiggle onto it.
  • She likes her swing and watching the mobile on it.
  • She was born with a strong little neck and can hold her head up very well:
  • She wears 0-3 month clothes, and size 1 diapers.
  • She took her first bottle without any problems:
  • Most importantly, she is still a sweet little baby!

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