Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Merry Christmas!!

It's a very special Christmas for Craig and I - our first with Maggie.  Last year on Christmas we announced a little baby would be joining our family. We hope everyone has a special Christmas too!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Card Outtakes

Here are some of the funny/sad pictures we got when trying to get a Christmas card photo of Maggie...

Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Maggie will be celebrating her first Christmas in a few days, so here's our Christmas card.  Merry Christmas everyone!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Harley Chick

Hello Uncle Steve!!

Maggie loves her Harley gear - from the hat all the way down to the shoes!
 Unfortunately even with the bib she still doesn't like her rice cereal...

Here she is in her shirt, pants, socks and shoes...

The shoes say they are for 3-6 months, but they are a little big as you can see. 

That's OK because they sure taste good...

Thanks for all the Harley apparel Uncle Steve!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Baby

After our Santa encounter we kept the picture ball rolling and headed to the local greenhouse to get some pictures for Grandma and Grandpa Newcomb.  While we were there, we took lots of pictures with Maggie among the Poinsettias.

All tuckered out from the photo shoot...

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

5 Months

Miss Maggie is 5 months old already! She is developing fast!
Here's what she's up to:
-She can sit up on her own.
-She reaches for anything in front of her and promptly puts it in her mouth.
-She eats rice cereal twice a day.
-She still takes a bottle/nurses 4 times a day.
-She talks and squeals a lot.
-She loves to put her feet in her mouth...
-She is a very happy baby:)!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Turkey Day 5K

We ran our usual Turkey Day 5K, but this year was special because Maggie joined us.  We weren't sure if the weather was going to be warm enough to bring her, but it was nice enough that she was toasty warm all bundled up in her stroller.

We ran with Renae and Rachel...

I pushed the stroller the first mile, Craig pushed her the second mile and a half, then I took over until we reached the finish line.  We figure we ran a bit further than 3.2 miles since we had to weave in and out of people so much. 

The race takes place downtown Minneapolis and there were over 12,000 runners!
We followed the race up with a lot of eating - Thanksgiving dinner with the Newcomb family and then we headed up north to Glenwood on Friday to spend the weekend with the Cihlar family.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


It's December (well half-way through December) which means Christmas is coming up so we had to take Maggie to see Santa!  Instead of waiting in a line at the mall for hours we opted to go to Houlihans for lunch and to have a little meet and greet with Mr. Claus.

Maggie didn't mind Santa at all...
Checking the big guy out...

Overall it was a pretty smooth first meeting with Santa Claus!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Maggie and Elephant Noises

Craig was trying his best to entertain Maggie the other night so he was making all sorts of animal noises.  When he got to sounds elephants make Maggie wasn't so thrilled....

It should be noted that Maggie has the same reaction when Craig blows his nose.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Maggie's Room

This spring we were very busy trying to get ready for a baby and going on trips (Florida, Washington, and other various places) that it was May before we started doing anything in the Nursery.  Although it took us awhile to get started, we finished Maggie's room in time for her arrival!  Here are a few pictures of the room in progress:
Although it is only Craig in the pictures, I would like it to be known that I did help and did all the painting at 36 weeks pregnant.

Anyway, here are the results:

So Craig did the board and batten/trim work.  I did all the painting in the room and made the birds for the branch.  We found the branch in the woods behind our house.  Craig prepped the and installed the branch and attached the birds. I also made the scrap-map above the bookcase and the wood sign in the bookcase.  When I was 40 weeks and some odd days pregnant I was so bored of waiting to have a baby that I would come home from work and sew, thus the dog bed (in the corner) and scented satchel which hangs from her changer. It may be hard to see but there are a few tab blankets that Great Grandma Bushey made for Maggie on the bottom shelf of the bookshelf hanging on the side of the wire basket.
My mom made the curtains, and Renae and Linda made the quilt on the chair! The picture above the changer is of Vidler's in East Aurora, NY ( )! There are two smaller picture frames to the right and left of the larger picture that are crib cards of when Craig and I were born.
I made the crib sheet and crib skirt and my mom made the blanket!  Excuse the tripod in the corner, it is for Maggie's video monitor.

That's Maggie's room! She also has a HUGE closet for all of her clothes and baby gear!  Lucky girl:)!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

First Snow

This past Saturday we got our first snowfall of the season.  It was chilly out, but I figured we had to get a picture of Maggie and her first snow, so here it is. 

We ended up with a few inches.  Unfortunately for Craig he was working on to come! Hint: Maggie is propped up against it!

Monday, November 21, 2011

4 Months

Maggie is 4 months old now...
  • She can rollover (ok maybe she's only done it once).
  • We've switched to cloth diapers and we're all surviving.
  • We tried rice cereal much to Maggie's dismay.
She would rather eat her chair...
  • Maggie knows who her mama is and keeps a close eye on her.
  • Her routine during the week:
    • 6:40-wake up call, time to get dressed
    • 6:55-leave for daycare
    • 7:00- get dropped off by mom at Judy's/bottle
    • 8:00-10:30- nap
    • 11:00- another bottle
    • 12:00-2:30ish- nap
    • 3:00-bottle
    • 4:00- dad picks her up
    • 4:05-6:00- play time/bath time
    • Sometime between 6:00 and 7:30- last bottle of the night
    • Sometime between 7:30 and 8:00- bedtime!
  • On the weekends the routine is pretty much the same, excepts she sleeps in until about 7:30.
  • She loves her feet and to be on her playmat.
  • She will try to grab anything in reach, and promply put it in her mouth.
  • She had her 4-month check-up and her stats are:
    • 16lbs 3oz (90%)
    • 25.5 in. (90%)
    • Head size (90%)
    • Dr. Jiwa is very impressed with Maggie's development! She has great head control apparently and very strong legs.
    • I guess she gets an A!
  • She is still in size 3-6 months, and her feet finally seem to be catching up to her (they still fit into newborn sock until a few weeks ago).
That's all I can think of at the moment...

P.S. Uncle Steve, I keep meaning to take pictures of Maggie in her Harley gear...I'll get it up here soon!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Friday, November 11, 2011

Halloween Flashback...

Maggie stayed overnight at her grandparents house for the first time on Saturday before Halloween! Craig and I went to the Connoy's annual Halloween bash!  It was a lot of fun, but we missed our baby:)!

Meredith, Me and Renae were owls:
Craig got lucky and our neighbors were nice enough to lend him a beer costume:

On Halloween Maggie was a skeleton.  The outfit was actually pajamas from Old Navy I bought last year right after I found out I was pregnant.

We skipped trick-or-treating this year and we had 60+ kids come to our house!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Happy November!

We are a little behind but we got a new computer so now we are back in action!  Happy November!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Maggie Chatting

Here are a couple videos of Maggie chatting.  Lately she LOVES to talk - especially if we are looking at her or talking with her! Her voice is a little raspy since she is getting over a cold...and I am breathing super heavy because I was in the middle of the cold.
This one has a suprise ending:

Here's one that's a little longer, but for some reason I turned the camera:

One last one...I think she's saying "Happy Friday!!!":

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Maggie's Baptism

Craig and I had Maggie baptized on September 18th.  Her godparents are Aunt Beth and Uncle Corey.

She is wearing a dress and cardigan that I made for her!

She didn't appreciate the Holy Water being poured over her head, but calmed down quickly after she was toweled off:

Our friends Dan and Renae Connoy were nice enough to come over while we were all at church and get the food set-up!

Here's Maggie's cake! It is so so tasty.  It's from Martha Stewart:

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

3 Months!

What!?!?!?...How has a month flown by already? Well Maggie is 3 months old as of October 11th!

  • Her unofficial weight (measured at home) is 15lbs!
  • She started day care.
  • She has her routine down: she eats at 7am, 11am, 3pm, 7pm, and right before bed (we are slowly moving this time's between 8:30 and 9).
  • She sleeps from around 9pm until we wake her up (about 6:45 during the week, and between 7:30-8:00 on weekends).
  • She needs to work on her napping skills...she is doing better according to daycare, taking two 2 1/2 hour naps a day there, but here at home we have yet to notice that!
  • She still likes her soothie pacifier, but does not sleep with it.
  • She is not the deep sleeper she once was - any little noise seems to startle her awake!
  • She still loves to stand.

  • We put her in the jumperoo which she is too short for, so we place a blanket underneath to help her out.
  • She still loves baths!

  • She likes to chat...I'll try to get a video up of that!
  • She is in size 3-6 month clothing and size 2 diapers.

  • We just had our family pictures taken, so I'll post some of those when we get them back.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Happy October!

Look at our cute little pumpkin!

She wasn't thrilled to say the least:

Here's a video of Maggie tasting the pumpkin!

We hope everyone has a great October!