Wednesday, October 19, 2011

3 Months!

What!?!?!?...How has a month flown by already? Well Maggie is 3 months old as of October 11th!

  • Her unofficial weight (measured at home) is 15lbs!
  • She started day care.
  • She has her routine down: she eats at 7am, 11am, 3pm, 7pm, and right before bed (we are slowly moving this time's between 8:30 and 9).
  • She sleeps from around 9pm until we wake her up (about 6:45 during the week, and between 7:30-8:00 on weekends).
  • She needs to work on her napping skills...she is doing better according to daycare, taking two 2 1/2 hour naps a day there, but here at home we have yet to notice that!
  • She still likes her soothie pacifier, but does not sleep with it.
  • She is not the deep sleeper she once was - any little noise seems to startle her awake!
  • She still loves to stand.

  • We put her in the jumperoo which she is too short for, so we place a blanket underneath to help her out.
  • She still loves baths!

  • She likes to chat...I'll try to get a video up of that!
  • She is in size 3-6 month clothing and size 2 diapers.

  • We just had our family pictures taken, so I'll post some of those when we get them back.

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