Monday, November 21, 2011

4 Months

Maggie is 4 months old now...
  • She can rollover (ok maybe she's only done it once).
  • We've switched to cloth diapers and we're all surviving.
  • We tried rice cereal much to Maggie's dismay.
She would rather eat her chair...
  • Maggie knows who her mama is and keeps a close eye on her.
  • Her routine during the week:
    • 6:40-wake up call, time to get dressed
    • 6:55-leave for daycare
    • 7:00- get dropped off by mom at Judy's/bottle
    • 8:00-10:30- nap
    • 11:00- another bottle
    • 12:00-2:30ish- nap
    • 3:00-bottle
    • 4:00- dad picks her up
    • 4:05-6:00- play time/bath time
    • Sometime between 6:00 and 7:30- last bottle of the night
    • Sometime between 7:30 and 8:00- bedtime!
  • On the weekends the routine is pretty much the same, excepts she sleeps in until about 7:30.
  • She loves her feet and to be on her playmat.
  • She will try to grab anything in reach, and promply put it in her mouth.
  • She had her 4-month check-up and her stats are:
    • 16lbs 3oz (90%)
    • 25.5 in. (90%)
    • Head size (90%)
    • Dr. Jiwa is very impressed with Maggie's development! She has great head control apparently and very strong legs.
    • I guess she gets an A!
  • She is still in size 3-6 months, and her feet finally seem to be catching up to her (they still fit into newborn sock until a few weeks ago).
That's all I can think of at the moment...

P.S. Uncle Steve, I keep meaning to take pictures of Maggie in her Harley gear...I'll get it up here soon!

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