Wednesday, October 31, 2012


While Maggie still has no clue what Halloween is, we had fun dressing her up! She went as a giraffe this year:

That was one of the few smiles we got from her.  5:30 is pretty late in the day for her!  We saw much more of this:

Yep, she's lying in the street.

A hug from Charley helped:

And here is her posse:

The little girl in the peacock costume, Josie,  is exactly 3 months older than her.  It looks like she is trying to give Maggie the glow-stick the fire department had just handed out. They are hilarious together.  Whenever they see each other they wave and scream and act like they haven't seen each other in years.  Then they run up to each other and don't know what to do next.  They just turn and do their own thing. 

She also didn't bring a candy bucket as she doesn't eat candy, but she was in luck because Charley's house was giving teddy grahams!

Time to go home and have some milk:

Maggie went to sleep around 7:00 and didn't even flinch every time the doorbell rang.  We had around 65 kids come to the door.  Happy halloween!!!!

P.S. This was Maggie last year:

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