Wednesday, July 25, 2012

12 Months!

Maggie is 12 months old!  She has had a busy month and is at such a fun age! Here's what she has been up to:
  • She can take 5-6 steps
  • She knows how to go up and down the stairs
  • She DOES NOT sit still.  Ever.
  • She started whole milk now instead of formula and does a good job with it
  • She still likes her bottle at night with dinner, but the rest of the time she'll take a sippy cup, but most of all she loves straws

  • She LOVES bread.  Today her special note at the bottom of her daycare slip said "put hotdish on bread to get her to eat it".  Yep, that sounds right. 
  • She also loves tortillas so we have been making her quesadillas stuffed with chicken, veggies and cheese - she won't eat chicken or veggies plain
  • She loves fruit
  • She gives nice sloppy open mouth kisses
  • She blows kisses with prompting
  • She waves to people she knows
  • She knows to wave "hi" and "bye"
  • She still mostly babbles but with prompting she'll say uh-oh and mama and dada
  • She is in size 9 and 12 month clothes
  • She has her top two and bottom to two and is working on to more teeth on top
  • She goes to bed between 7:00 and 8:00 pm.  She needs her sleep and rarely cries when we put her in her crib
  • She wakes up between 7:30 and 9:00 am on weekends.  When I wake her up at about 6:45 am on weekdays she sometimes cries because she wants to stay sleeping.
  • She had her one year appointment this past Thursday and is still in the 90% for head (47.5cm), weight (23 lb 1.5oz) and height (29.75 in.)
  • She had to get three shots: MMR, PCV13 (prevents against 13 types of pneumococcal bacteria, some of which cause pnuemonia and meningitis) and Varivax (chicken pox)
  • She got one shot in each arm and one in the leg - and they all bruised!
  • She also got one finger poke to check her hemoglobin which was normal (11.7 gm/dl)
  • Did you know that 3 shots + 1 finger poke = Milkshake with mama?

Happy birthday sweet Maggie! We love you so so much!

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