Thursday, July 26, 2012

July - What We've Been Up To

Some boating:

Staying cool - this summer has been hot!

Color Running:
A 5k that douses you in colored corn starch every kilometer - this race was so hot and on the MN State Fair grounds (really boring scenery)

Bounce house:

Our most recent excitement:

Last week I got a call at work from Craig telling me to get home quick to take him to the hospital. Luckily we had a neighbor home who drove him in and I meet him there. After several tests it was determined that he had appendicitis (it was about 8:30 pm by that time)! The surgeon was called in and he had do another appendectomy on a teenage girl first so Craig didn't go into surgery until 10:30 pm.  He got up to his room for the night at about 12:30 am.  He got to home the next afternoon but has been pretty sore since then. His appendix did perforate a little bit so we are on infection watch, but we are happy he seems to be recovering ok. I ended up cancelling a work trip because he can't lift Maggie for two weeks! Obviously I took pictures...

Here is Craig in the ER after he downed his bottle of contrast for the CT:

The day after surgery:

All better:)

I work for Covidien, which is a really large company, but it's newer and not many people have heard of it so imagine Craig's suprise when they started covering him in Covidien products in the pre-op area:

The finger pulse ox sensor and monitor-

and the leg compression system (prevents pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis):

I actually don't work on either of these products but it's still fun to see:)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

12 Months!

Maggie is 12 months old!  She has had a busy month and is at such a fun age! Here's what she has been up to:
  • She can take 5-6 steps
  • She knows how to go up and down the stairs
  • She DOES NOT sit still.  Ever.
  • She started whole milk now instead of formula and does a good job with it
  • She still likes her bottle at night with dinner, but the rest of the time she'll take a sippy cup, but most of all she loves straws

  • She LOVES bread.  Today her special note at the bottom of her daycare slip said "put hotdish on bread to get her to eat it".  Yep, that sounds right. 
  • She also loves tortillas so we have been making her quesadillas stuffed with chicken, veggies and cheese - she won't eat chicken or veggies plain
  • She loves fruit
  • She gives nice sloppy open mouth kisses
  • She blows kisses with prompting
  • She waves to people she knows
  • She knows to wave "hi" and "bye"
  • She still mostly babbles but with prompting she'll say uh-oh and mama and dada
  • She is in size 9 and 12 month clothes
  • She has her top two and bottom to two and is working on to more teeth on top
  • She goes to bed between 7:00 and 8:00 pm.  She needs her sleep and rarely cries when we put her in her crib
  • She wakes up between 7:30 and 9:00 am on weekends.  When I wake her up at about 6:45 am on weekdays she sometimes cries because she wants to stay sleeping.
  • She had her one year appointment this past Thursday and is still in the 90% for head (47.5cm), weight (23 lb 1.5oz) and height (29.75 in.)
  • She had to get three shots: MMR, PCV13 (prevents against 13 types of pneumococcal bacteria, some of which cause pnuemonia and meningitis) and Varivax (chicken pox)
  • She got one shot in each arm and one in the leg - and they all bruised!
  • She also got one finger poke to check her hemoglobin which was normal (11.7 gm/dl)
  • Did you know that 3 shots + 1 finger poke = Milkshake with mama?

Happy birthday sweet Maggie! We love you so so much!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Maggie's Birthday Party!

Even though Maggie's birthday isn't until Wednesday, we celebrated this weekend.  The party was picnic themed, starting with the invitations I made:

We setup in our backyard and the weather was perfect.  The heat wave broke so it was in the eighties and sunny.

We had picnic food - sandwiches, fruit, veggies, chips, and lemonade:

We served homemade ice cream sandwiches for dessert:
Obviously we had to give the birthday girl a cake. 

Maggie was so funny! She put her hand in the cake, tasted it, and then went in face first:

Here are just some more pictures in case there aren't enough already:

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Independence Day!

Happy 4th of July!

Last year at this time we were waiting around for a baby - Maggie was due on the 4th of July. Since there was no sign of a baby making an appearance that day, Craig and I went to get pedicures (I made him go with me) and I made myself busy by making goodies for fireworks that night. 

We went to Blaine to watch fireworks with Connoys, Rachel and Amanda (she was down from Duluth thinking she would have a niece or nephew).

This year we have our Maggie with us and it's crazy to think that she will be one in one week! We are all sick with a nasty cold and it's also 100 degrees with 70% humidity, so I think we'll hide out indoors.

Maggie last year:

Maggie this year: