Monday, June 18, 2012

11 Months

Is it possible that Maggie is turning one in a month? I think not. But since the calendar says she is 11 months old, here is what our baby has been up to:
  • She waves hello and good-bye if you say hi or bye
  • She shakes her head "no" if she hears it
  • She talks all the time - she copies us when we say "uh-oh" or "hi"
  • Still no actual meaningful words
  • She crawls FAST - including up the stairs
  • She stands on her own, but once she realizes it she quickly sits down
Here she is up at the farm scaring herself by standing on her own:

  • She claps when she is excited about something or if you sing patty cake to her
  • She is finally coming around to finger food and is pretty open to trying most everything- especially if she see mom or dad eating it
Do I have something on my face?

  • She's down to three bottles a day - breakfast, lunch and dinner
Bottle time for all the babies at the farm:

  • She holding strong at two bottom teeth - no signs of more at this point
  • She is a mama's girl
  • She HATES being in that car - which makes mom and dad hate being the car:)
  • Her bedtime is around 7:30 and she'll sleep in on the weekends until 8:30 or even 9:30!
  • She still takes two naps a day (unless she sleeps until 9:30 in which case she skips the morning nap)
  • She loves being outside
  • She is starting to sit still (for about 1 minute) for story time

  • She is still a happy happy girl!

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