Wednesday, June 20, 2012


It was warm and humid here this past weekend - in the 90's and 80% humidity so I bought Maggie a water table.  They are little tables you fill with water and kids are supposed to stand at them and splash around.  We decided Maggie could just sit in it! It did the trick and she was cooled off in no time!

Monday, June 18, 2012

11 Months

Is it possible that Maggie is turning one in a month? I think not. But since the calendar says she is 11 months old, here is what our baby has been up to:
  • She waves hello and good-bye if you say hi or bye
  • She shakes her head "no" if she hears it
  • She talks all the time - she copies us when we say "uh-oh" or "hi"
  • Still no actual meaningful words
  • She crawls FAST - including up the stairs
  • She stands on her own, but once she realizes it she quickly sits down
Here she is up at the farm scaring herself by standing on her own:

  • She claps when she is excited about something or if you sing patty cake to her
  • She is finally coming around to finger food and is pretty open to trying most everything- especially if she see mom or dad eating it
Do I have something on my face?

  • She's down to three bottles a day - breakfast, lunch and dinner
Bottle time for all the babies at the farm:

  • She holding strong at two bottom teeth - no signs of more at this point
  • She is a mama's girl
  • She HATES being in that car - which makes mom and dad hate being the car:)
  • Her bedtime is around 7:30 and she'll sleep in on the weekends until 8:30 or even 9:30!
  • She still takes two naps a day (unless she sleeps until 9:30 in which case she skips the morning nap)
  • She loves being outside
  • She is starting to sit still (for about 1 minute) for story time

  • She is still a happy happy girl!

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Ok so I'm a little behind on here.  Work has been crazy for me - a few trips and working after Maggie goes to bed + Craig has been a mad man working outside. I think we are slightly slowing down now that a few projects have been checked off the list, but we have a busy summer ahead!

It's mid-June so I owe everyone the June picture of Maggie:

This picture is from May, but I like it anyway:

Chocolate Pudding

Up until now I have been somewhat of a health nut when it comes to what Maggie consumes. She doesn't know what she's missing out on with sugar and unhealthy snacks so why introduce them to her?  Well lucky for her, her Papa (Great-Grandpa Newcomb) convinced us to let her try chocolate pudding.  I bought a box of chocolate pudding a while ago and forgot about it in the pantry.  The other night she was a little crabby so I whipped out the chocolate pudding.  She loved it!

Of course we took a little video for everyone to enjoy:

I don't know though, I still think she likes her bottle more (this is seriously her reaction every time she sees her bottle):