Wednesday, May 16, 2012

10 Months!

Maggie turned 10 months old in May! She just gets busier and busier's what she has been up to:

  • She is eating more and more solid food
  • She still has her 4 bottles a day at 7 am, 11 am, 3 pm, and 6 pm
  • She still takes her morning naps well at daycare but on weekends she skips them
  • She sleeps from 7:00pm to 7 or 8:00am, although last weekend she slept until 9:00am when I finally woke her up
  • She still only has two bottom teeth

  • She hasn't been sick all month!
  • She crawls super fast
  • She is so so so so close to standing on her own and when she realizes she isn't hanging onto something she quickly sits down
  • She mastered the stairs (going up, that is)
  • She blabs all the time saying Mama and Dada (she doesn't realize what she is saying)
  • She understands the word 'no' and shakes her head if she hears someone say it
  • She waves at random people and things

  • She doesn't sit still and always wants to be on the go
  • She is no longer afraid of grass and will crawl through it if she really wants to get somewhere
  • The landscaping we did this fall in the front of the house is the perfect height for her to pull herself up on
  • She is transitioning from 6-9 months clothes to the 9-12 months clothes
  • She is not like most kids and hates being in the car (again, she likes to be moving!) and very rarely falls asleep in the car
  • She loves to be outside and loves it when the wind blows
  • Her 'scrunchie face' is back in a big way

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