Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sleepy Head

Maggie has switched up her sleep style to "bottoms up".  Take a peek for yourself (these are all from my phone - sorry for the quality):

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

10 Months!

Maggie turned 10 months old in May! She just gets busier and busier's what she has been up to:

  • She is eating more and more solid food
  • She still has her 4 bottles a day at 7 am, 11 am, 3 pm, and 6 pm
  • She still takes her morning naps well at daycare but on weekends she skips them
  • She sleeps from 7:00pm to 7 or 8:00am, although last weekend she slept until 9:00am when I finally woke her up
  • She still only has two bottom teeth

  • She hasn't been sick all month!
  • She crawls super fast
  • She is so so so so close to standing on her own and when she realizes she isn't hanging onto something she quickly sits down
  • She mastered the stairs (going up, that is)
  • She blabs all the time saying Mama and Dada (she doesn't realize what she is saying)
  • She understands the word 'no' and shakes her head if she hears someone say it
  • She waves at random people and things

  • She doesn't sit still and always wants to be on the go
  • She is no longer afraid of grass and will crawl through it if she really wants to get somewhere
  • The landscaping we did this fall in the front of the house is the perfect height for her to pull herself up on
  • She is transitioning from 6-9 months clothes to the 9-12 months clothes
  • She is not like most kids and hates being in the car (again, she likes to be moving!) and very rarely falls asleep in the car
  • She loves to be outside and loves it when the wind blows
  • Her 'scrunchie face' is back in a big way

Friday, May 11, 2012

Spring Break

Craig and Maggie took a mini spring break trip to Wisconsin Dells.  Craig's sister's family was nice enough to host them at The Wilderness.  We knew that Maggie loved baths, but we weren't sure how she would like the pools- she LOVED them!  Below are a bunch of pictures and a little video. 
Craig and Maggie about to start the fun (Maggie looks a little unsure!):

Maggie on the move:

 Maggie and cousin Ava taking a break:

Pink elephant pajama party:

Day Two:

Taking a poolside break:

Here's a video of Maggie splashing in the water:

The hosts:

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Laundry Day

Maggie crawls everywhere now and the other day I was just following behind as she crawled her way to the laundry room.  She was very intrigued by the spinning clothes!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Minnie Mouse

Maggie's was invited to her first non-family birthday party for the neighbor boy, Charley, who turned 2 in April.  It was a Mickey Mouse themed party so I made her a Minnie Mouse onesie and off we went.  We had to make a quick exit during the gift opening because it was Maggie's dinner time and if there is one thing that you don't want to mess with, it's Maggie's meal times! We had a great time!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Feeling Crabby?

Maggie is a pretty happy girl, even when she wears her crab towel. 

Changing her diaper never fails to make her crabby though.  She just doesn't want to sit still!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Happy May!

Maggie hopes everyone has a happy May!  She is a very busy girl so I didn't have much luck getting a May picture of her, but I'll try again sometime this week.  It was a rainy weekend, but Craig and I were still able to finish up a lot of landscaping between the rain and Maggie's naps- we put 45 bags of mulch down so far and planted our vegetable garden.  We also managed to go to the local Mexican restaurant twice (once with Aunt Beth and Cal) and had dinner with the Connoys at the River Inn on Saturday. It was a nice weekend!