Monday, April 16, 2012

Maggie 9-Months

On April 11th Maggie turned 9 months old! We had her 9-month appointment today and it went very well, especially because shots were not involved.  Maggie is 28 1/2 inches long (90%), 21 pounds (90%), and her head is 45 cm (75-90%).  Dr. Jiwa says her head is nice and big so it must be full of brains! She is still working on fighting off that cold/stomach bug but is getting better everyday.  The doctor saw some fluid in one of her ears so she gave us some ear drops to help with any pain. 

Maggie has been up to a lot this past month:
  • She pulls herself up on everything! The girl loves to stand!
  • This makes it a thousand times harder to put her to bed.  We always put her to bed awake, but now she pulls herself up to standing right away.  For about a week she didn't know how to sit back down, but luckily she does now.  Thank goodness for video monitors so we can see what she is up to and if she really needs help or not!
  • She crawls very quickly across the room.
  • She likes when we walk with her
  • She is very aware of strangers and even cries sometimes if they talk to her
  • She is busy!  She never sits still - the second she wakes up she is on the go
  • She still loves routine and is NOT happy if you break it.  Her days pretty much go like this:
    • 7/7:30 wake up, eat breakfast (solids and a bottle)
    • 9-10:30 nap
    • 11:00 lunch time (food and a bottle)
    • 1:00-2:30 nap
    • 3:00 snack time, bottle and snack (crackers or puffs)
    • 5:30/6:00 dinner (food and a bottle)
    • 6:30/7:00 bedtime
  • She is a little flexible with naps, but the times when she eats are non-negotiable
  • She stayed overnight with us in Glenwood for Easter, and then last weekend stayed with Grandma and Grandpa Newcomb while we were in Duluth.
  • Craig and Maggie are going to the Dells with Matt, Carrie and Ava (Craig's sister, brother-in-law, and niece) next week. I'm sad I won't be able to get away from work to see Maggie have all sorts of fun in the water!
  • She understands 'no' pretty well
  • Today she has been having fun with her tongue - sticking it out and wiggling it around
  • She is in size 6-9 months clothes still

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