Monday, March 12, 2012


It's March Maggie!
Maggie turned 8 months old on Sunday and it has been a fun month!

-She can get to where she wants to go (video coming)
-She has laughed out loud finally! (another video coming)
-She is a chatty girl
-She loves to copy you, whether it's slapping your hand on the table, making noises or moving your head
-She loves to look at things from all angles so she is always checking things out with her head cocked to the side
-She has a bottle at 7, 11, 3, and 6 and eat solids at each time as well
-She is very good at picking up her puffs of cheerios and putting them in her mouth
-She feeds herself a bottle
-She isn't completely self sufficient yet- we have to change her diaper
-She has been sick this month.  The poor thing just got over a bad cold and then about 3 days later came down with another one...cough, runny nose, and fever included!
-There were a few nights when she was sick that she had a rough time falling asleep, but she has continued with her great sleeping habits!
-She saw her reflection in the glass in the fireplace and loves to giggle and chat at it
-She sat in a high chair when we were out to eat on Saturday night and had the best time!
-We have had a lot of fun with her this month! She is at such a fun age!

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