Sunday, December 9, 2012

Happy December!

Here's a little video of Maggie getting into the Christmas spirit:
We got a few inches of snow overnight so Maggie had to go check it out:
Yeah, she wasn't super impressed. She didn't think she could walk for some reason. She was much happier by the garage where the snow wasn't deep:
And here she is trying to discover where all this snow is coming from:

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


While Maggie still has no clue what Halloween is, we had fun dressing her up! She went as a giraffe this year:

That was one of the few smiles we got from her.  5:30 is pretty late in the day for her!  We saw much more of this:

Yep, she's lying in the street.

A hug from Charley helped:

And here is her posse:

The little girl in the peacock costume, Josie,  is exactly 3 months older than her.  It looks like she is trying to give Maggie the glow-stick the fire department had just handed out. They are hilarious together.  Whenever they see each other they wave and scream and act like they haven't seen each other in years.  Then they run up to each other and don't know what to do next.  They just turn and do their own thing. 

She also didn't bring a candy bucket as she doesn't eat candy, but she was in luck because Charley's house was giving teddy grahams!

Time to go home and have some milk:

Maggie went to sleep around 7:00 and didn't even flinch every time the doorbell rang.  We had around 65 kids come to the door.  Happy halloween!!!!

P.S. This was Maggie last year:

Monday, October 29, 2012

October so far...

The lack of posts have been due to the fact that we just haven't been around! Last weekend we ran the Monster Dash in St. Paul (I did the 10-mile and Craig did the half marathon) and then went to a halloween party afterwards. The weekend before we had sprinkler blow-out day (a big event in our neighborhood) and a baptism in near Rochester, MN for our Godson, Nicholas:

The weekend before that we were in South Dakota for another baptism for our neice Cora.

We gutted our pumpkins tonight and of course Maggie was there to check it out:


Shortly afterwards the poor girl took a spill and ended up with her first bloody nose:

Friday, September 28, 2012


Moveralls = Mock overalls! Yes, I made that up. Here's what they look like:

Maggie and I picked them up on a shopping spree for fall clothes this past weeked.  Poor Maggie only had a few long sleeve shirts in her size! Luckily we found these cute moveralls.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Fall Photos

I decided to take some fall pics of Miss Maggie. This little girls does not sit still for a second, so taking her picture has become quite the challenge.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Everyone likes pictures of a baby eating spaghetti right? Yes, I stripped her down before lunch:

And we're done:

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Apple Jack Orchard

We are lucky enough to live just a few miles from a nice apple orchard called Apple Jack.  We met our friends Renae and Ashely there for lunch last weekend and a took a quick stroll throught the apple orchard. We like to get out there at least once a year and we still need to get out to our old favorite, Pine Tree Apple Orchard.

Maggie liked looking at the turkey...

Friday, September 7, 2012


We're sad summer is coming to a close around here because that means sweet corn is almost done.  We've been freezing a lot of it so we have a taste of summer this winter, but it's just not the same as corn on the cob!  Maggie agrees:

Maggie likes her corn un-cooked.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Minnehaha Falls

We got home from vacation on Thursday, so we decided to take advantage of a beautiful Friday and brought our bikes into Minnepolis.  Minneapolis has great bike paths and we biked along Minnehaha Creek for 6 miles until we reached Minnehaha falls:

There is a great little seafood restaurant, Sea Salt Eatery, at the falls we had lunch at:

After lunch we biked back to our car and Maggie took a short cat nap on the way! I'm hoping to do this again in the falls when the leaves change:)

Monday, August 20, 2012


We packed up and headed back East this past week to East Aurora, New York.  Maggie, my mom and I flew and the rest of the crew drove.  Maggie and I left home at 3:30 in the morning only to arrive at the airport and have our flight delayed.  Luckily we were able to re-book on a non-stop to Buffalo that afternoon.  We were also upgraded to first class.  Maggie was every passenger's worst nightmare.  She was loud and crying so we kept feeding her and giving her juice. She had a blow-out on Grandma right as we were landing so the plane was nice and stinky. 

Maggie and Nonnie:

We blew bubbles:

We went to the park:

(A stranger decided to give Craig a push)

We ate a ton of wings at the Bar Bill.

We walked down Main Street.

Maggie redistributed ice cubes:

We went to the Erie County Fair.  Maggie was not impressed with the horses:

She was impressed with the ice cream cones:
The pigs were ok too:

We ate some more:

And we caught up on some sleep:

(With a paci in each hand)