Friday, October 21, 2011

Maggie Chatting

Here are a couple videos of Maggie chatting.  Lately she LOVES to talk - especially if we are looking at her or talking with her! Her voice is a little raspy since she is getting over a cold...and I am breathing super heavy because I was in the middle of the cold.
This one has a suprise ending:

Here's one that's a little longer, but for some reason I turned the camera:

One last one...I think she's saying "Happy Friday!!!":

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Maggie's Baptism

Craig and I had Maggie baptized on September 18th.  Her godparents are Aunt Beth and Uncle Corey.

She is wearing a dress and cardigan that I made for her!

She didn't appreciate the Holy Water being poured over her head, but calmed down quickly after she was toweled off:

Our friends Dan and Renae Connoy were nice enough to come over while we were all at church and get the food set-up!

Here's Maggie's cake! It is so so tasty.  It's from Martha Stewart:

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

3 Months!

What!?!?!?...How has a month flown by already? Well Maggie is 3 months old as of October 11th!

  • Her unofficial weight (measured at home) is 15lbs!
  • She started day care.
  • She has her routine down: she eats at 7am, 11am, 3pm, 7pm, and right before bed (we are slowly moving this time's between 8:30 and 9).
  • She sleeps from around 9pm until we wake her up (about 6:45 during the week, and between 7:30-8:00 on weekends).
  • She needs to work on her napping skills...she is doing better according to daycare, taking two 2 1/2 hour naps a day there, but here at home we have yet to notice that!
  • She still likes her soothie pacifier, but does not sleep with it.
  • She is not the deep sleeper she once was - any little noise seems to startle her awake!
  • She still loves to stand.

  • We put her in the jumperoo which she is too short for, so we place a blanket underneath to help her out.
  • She still loves baths!

  • She likes to chat...I'll try to get a video up of that!
  • She is in size 3-6 month clothing and size 2 diapers.

  • We just had our family pictures taken, so I'll post some of those when we get them back.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Happy October!

Look at our cute little pumpkin!

She wasn't thrilled to say the least:

Here's a video of Maggie tasting the pumpkin!

We hope everyone has a great October!