Wednesday, April 10, 2013


We took a little spring break trip at the end of February to Longboat Key, FL. Maggie did such a great job on the flights for once! It was pretty chilly most days when we were there, but it was sunny and green and we weren't working:) We ate lots of grouper and key lime pie and ice cream. Maggie didn't love the beach, but we were able to get her walking on it for a little bit.

Here are some, or a lot,  pictures from our vacation:

Maggie eating her first donut!

Family pics-

Picking Shells-

Grandpa and Craig hanging on the beach-

Maggie and Grandma-

Mags and Daddy picking shells-

Scarfing down some key lime pie-

This is pretty much how Maggie felt about the beach-

Maggie insisted on wearing my sunglasses-

Pretty girl-
Happy girl-

Spring breaker-

Playing with her cups poolside-

Hanging out on the patio-

Maggie and Mama-

Monday, February 25, 2013

19 Weeks

Maggie is 19 months old and I am 19 weeks pregnant! After numerous colds and stomach flus I think I am finally felling better.  The first trimester I was pretty miserable and got a prescription for Zofran (anti-nausea meds) to take as needed which made things much better.  I did end up in the ER a few days after Christmas because I was getting sick so much for so long that I needed a bags of IV fluids and more Zofran. I was discharged with strict orders not to go off of Zofran even if I was feeling better for a few weeks. The big ultrasound is scheduled in a few weeks!


Thursday, February 21, 2013

19 Months

February 11th Maggie turned 19 months old. She is turning into a very independent little lady! Here's a snapshot of what she's been up to:
  • She doesn't like if you try to help her eat
  • She put on her own hat and takes off her boots
  • She watches everything we do and want to do it herself! She wants to help cook, do laundry, get dressed...
  • She loves Wheel of Fortune - I think its the colors and the clapping
  • She goes to bed around 7 every night, but may bang around in her crib until 8 if she's not too tired
  • The second we leave her room after putting her to bed she stands up and turns on her light
  • She wakes up around 8 on weekends and takes a single 2-3 hour nap a day
  • She doesn't climb out of her crib, will climb out of her pack n' play at daycare
  • At daycare she is able to shuffle the pack n' play next to her friends (who is a year older than her) and then she climbs out of her own crib and into her friends!
  • The daycare lady tried buying some pants and sewing the legs together to prevent her from climbing out...well Miss Maggie simply took those annoying pants off (she's a problem solver!)
  • She quickly fell in love with the box that her Christmas present came in - she uses it to stand on, sit on, as a booster to get what she wants off the counter

  • She loves her baby doll and hugs it, kisses, it puts it to bed and rocks it
  • She loves to carry a purse

  • She still depends on a pacifier
  • She doesn't have a huge vocabulary but she babbles stories to us all the time! She can say mama, dada, Lyla (all dogs are Lyla), uh-oh, hello, buh-bye, belly button, nose, toes, all done, owie, all gone, and how could I forget - "NO!"
  • She understand so much more and get frustrated that she can't communicate her wants to us
  • She is still super busy and doesn't stop for a second
  • She LOVES to color:

  • She thrives on routine - she has to wear the same hat, coat, and boots.  It is incredibly hard for us to get her to wear a different hat or shoes
  • The poor girl has been getting so many teeth lately - I think she has gotten 8 in the last two months alone for a total of 8 on top and 8 on bottom

  • She is a Mama's girl and for the most part mama loves it!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Maggie went through a phase about a month ago where she loved finding hers and anyone else's bellybutton. She also likes to point out her nose, eyes, ears, and toes!