Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Minnehaha Falls

We got home from vacation on Thursday, so we decided to take advantage of a beautiful Friday and brought our bikes into Minnepolis.  Minneapolis has great bike paths and we biked along Minnehaha Creek for 6 miles until we reached Minnehaha falls:

There is a great little seafood restaurant, Sea Salt Eatery, at the falls we had lunch at:

After lunch we biked back to our car and Maggie took a short cat nap on the way! I'm hoping to do this again in the falls when the leaves change:)

Monday, August 20, 2012


We packed up and headed back East this past week to East Aurora, New York.  Maggie, my mom and I flew and the rest of the crew drove.  Maggie and I left home at 3:30 in the morning only to arrive at the airport and have our flight delayed.  Luckily we were able to re-book on a non-stop to Buffalo that afternoon.  We were also upgraded to first class.  Maggie was every passenger's worst nightmare.  She was loud and crying so we kept feeding her and giving her juice. She had a blow-out on Grandma right as we were landing so the plane was nice and stinky. 

Maggie and Nonnie:

We blew bubbles:

We went to the park:

(A stranger decided to give Craig a push)

We ate a ton of wings at the Bar Bill.

We walked down Main Street.

Maggie redistributed ice cubes:

We went to the Erie County Fair.  Maggie was not impressed with the horses:

She was impressed with the ice cream cones:
The pigs were ok too:

We ate some more:

And we caught up on some sleep:

(With a paci in each hand)

Sunday, August 19, 2012

August is almost over?

This is super late, but here is Maggie's August picture taken today-

And since I never posted her July picture, here it is -