Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Merry Christmas!!

It's a very special Christmas for Craig and I - our first with Maggie.  Last year on Christmas we announced a little baby would be joining our family. We hope everyone has a special Christmas too!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Card Outtakes

Here are some of the funny/sad pictures we got when trying to get a Christmas card photo of Maggie...

Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Maggie will be celebrating her first Christmas in a few days, so here's our Christmas card.  Merry Christmas everyone!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Harley Chick

Hello Uncle Steve!!

Maggie loves her Harley gear - from the hat all the way down to the shoes!
 Unfortunately even with the bib she still doesn't like her rice cereal...

Here she is in her shirt, pants, socks and shoes...

The shoes say they are for 3-6 months, but they are a little big as you can see. 

That's OK because they sure taste good...

Thanks for all the Harley apparel Uncle Steve!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Baby

After our Santa encounter we kept the picture ball rolling and headed to the local greenhouse to get some pictures for Grandma and Grandpa Newcomb.  While we were there, we took lots of pictures with Maggie among the Poinsettias.

All tuckered out from the photo shoot...

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

5 Months

Miss Maggie is 5 months old already! She is developing fast!
Here's what she's up to:
-She can sit up on her own.
-She reaches for anything in front of her and promptly puts it in her mouth.
-She eats rice cereal twice a day.
-She still takes a bottle/nurses 4 times a day.
-She talks and squeals a lot.
-She loves to put her feet in her mouth...
-She is a very happy baby:)!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Turkey Day 5K

We ran our usual Turkey Day 5K, but this year was special because Maggie joined us.  We weren't sure if the weather was going to be warm enough to bring her, but it was nice enough that she was toasty warm all bundled up in her stroller.

We ran with Renae and Rachel...

I pushed the stroller the first mile, Craig pushed her the second mile and a half, then I took over until we reached the finish line.  We figure we ran a bit further than 3.2 miles since we had to weave in and out of people so much. 

The race takes place downtown Minneapolis and there were over 12,000 runners!
We followed the race up with a lot of eating - Thanksgiving dinner with the Newcomb family and then we headed up north to Glenwood on Friday to spend the weekend with the Cihlar family.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


It's December (well half-way through December) which means Christmas is coming up so we had to take Maggie to see Santa!  Instead of waiting in a line at the mall for hours we opted to go to Houlihans for lunch and to have a little meet and greet with Mr. Claus.

Maggie didn't mind Santa at all...
Checking the big guy out...

Overall it was a pretty smooth first meeting with Santa Claus!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Maggie and Elephant Noises

Craig was trying his best to entertain Maggie the other night so he was making all sorts of animal noises.  When he got to sounds elephants make Maggie wasn't so thrilled....

It should be noted that Maggie has the same reaction when Craig blows his nose.